At last, at the end of April, COVID abated a little and my sons and I were able to hold a gathering in a pub – Bob’s wish – to celebrate his life. It went as well as it could and it was lovely to see so many old teaching colleagues and friends after so many months.
Before that, a kind neighbour offered us a truckload of sand in the hope of turning the puddle that had become our back garden during the winter into something resembling the grassy playground we were used to. Adrian worked hard all spring spreading soil and seed and now that summer is almost here the neighbourhood dogs are back gamboling in what has become our own personal dog park. Since we have no dog of our own these days, our furry visitors are much appreciated.
Any inspiration to write more seems to have eluded me lately, though most of my previously published books are available from ePublishingWorks or from Amazon.
Wishing everyone a comfortable, healthy and happy summer.