No, I haven’t dropped off the edge of earth, though sometimes it feels that way. As many of you know, I lost my husband, Bob, to cancer last August. It’s been a struggle, but my younger son, Adrian, and I are slowly working our way through the collections of everything that made up Bob’ long list of interests, hobbies and enthusiasms – everything from military history and code breaking to classical music, jewelry-making, anything Italian and the Egyptian hieroglyphics which I still find scrawled in unexpected corners of our house. There were also the endless government forms to be completed after he left us … Need I say more?
2021 didn’t start much better since in January we lost our impossible but much-loved Baxter Dog due to lesions on his spine. Life is definitely more peaceful these days though peace can be greatly over-rated. Obviously Adrian and I are beginning to adjust to a different and less confused life – with the help of the neighbourhood dogs who these days are free to gambol on our lawn.
Books? Well, I’m reading them, of course, but not writing much yet – though most of my stories are still available from Amazon and elsewhere.
Down with COVID – and may 2021 be a much healthier and happier year for all of us.
Best wishes and happy reading to all.